Kamis, 14 November 2013

konsep rumah baca yang akan ku dedikasikan buat mereka yang haus akan dunia membaca sebuah impian yang akan ku wujudkan bersama sahabatku asni surya ningsih. kami tak pernah lelah untuk mengejar impian-impian kami meskipun gagal dan kekecewaan kerap menghapiri kami, tapi semangat kami tak pernah surut demi mereka, demi pendidikan mereka.

Kamis, 07 November 2013

Make A Dreams

                                                     THE POWER OF DREAM

Do you believe of dreams? Most of people said do not believe of a dream because dream is fantasy that owned by any person does not have a clear purpose, this is the understanding of most people. But, did you know the real of dreams that we brought got success life. Dreams are the key to great success and make someone always spirit to live no one is success without with a dream. Some examples of people who started with a dream traces his success, namely:  Thomas alfa edison  have a dream for light in the world so, he becomes of electrical incandescent lamp, wilbur and wright have a dream to fly the sky and  see the beuty of the world so, they become the inventor of the plan and alexander graham bell have a dream talk with other people long distances  so, he created the telephone. They are one of the billions of people on the world who started success, fortune, and popularity from a dream. I started to make history my life with a simple dream is work independently.
26th  August, 2013, I started a new life, this is the true meaning of life and when I started to working don’t forget I read basmalah. I try to worked in factories syrup”Aneka rasa” at mallengkeri street it’s chinese owner I worked with my friend asni surya ningsih, we are starting work hours of 8:00 am – 05:00 pm I arrived at 8:00 am and started working arround 8:00 am. In there there are 7 employee in the factories syrup but, just me and ningsih youngest workers. I feel afraid, confused and failure approached. I’m confused about where I star? What I work? A few minutes I saw the condition around in the factories, finally I found the job are raised second-hand items for recycling, bottle washing, drying bottles and then put into the bottle hamper. At 12:00 we take a rest although the owner is non-moslim but they appreciatedthe religion of islam. We asked permission to come out of the factory area to looking for mosque to take a noon prayer and we found mosque jamiatul khaer at mallengkeri street after prayer we returned to the factory and continue our work. We started work arround 01:00 pm work hard in the factory I fill the bottle, put the bottle cap, and put lebels. We work  for 10 hours  at the factory syrup and we produced 900 bottles of syrup, everyday we are paid Rp. 25.000, its wonderfull in my life.
Now I believe with the power of dreams, just started from a dream I want to work and finally I can get it. Believe of dream, the dream that will take you into the beautiful valley and you will pround in the end. No one can success without starting a dream, move your dream and keep moving to get real dream to be a success you have to passion in your self, never give up and no imposible if god wills. Trust me!
“Dream make our life is life”


“Masa depan hanyalah milik orang-orang yang percaya akan keindahan mimpi-mimpi mereka.”
                                                                                                           _ Eleanor Roosevelt_

Kehidupan ini butuh orang-orang yang berani untuk bermimpi karena hanya orang-orang yang percaya dengan kekuatan mimpilah yang akan menggenggam dunia dengan cahaya mimpinya. Dengan orang-orang bermimpilah yang tau akan kesuksesan hidup. Para pemimpi sangat dekat dengan gegagalan namun mereka tau bahwa kegagalan itulah  yang menjadi jembatannya untuk menuju lembah yang indah. Bangunlah dan wujudkan impianmu, masa tidurmu telah kau habisakn dengan perencanaan mimpimu dan sekarang waktunya berlari bersama angin untuk menjemput impianmu. Berpetuanglah dalam mimpi dengan lakukan yang terbaik untuk sebuah harapanmu.

Bersabarlah karena jalanmu akan dipenuhi duri, bersabarlah karena semangatmu akan melemah, bersabarlah karena keoptimisanmu akan berubah, bersabarlah kelelahan akan menantimu, bersabarlah karena kekecewaan akan datang, bersabarlah dengan kegagalanmu, bersabarlah karena senyummu akan terhapus oleh tangisan. Inilah rangkaian hidup yang diberikan allah buat hambanya yang ingin menjadi manusia yang luar biasa.

“Kupersembahkan buat orang-orang yang berani bermimpi”

Selasa, 05 November 2013

coretan hidup Andrea Hirata

Goestina                  : 105 355 109 12                                           
Asni surya ningsih  : 105 355 103 12



1. what kind of work does this person do?
       > the kind of work this person do is a novelist
2. How old is he (she)?
       > he is 31 years old ( 24 October 1982)
3 . where does he (she) live?
      > he live in Telkom Training Center , Downstream Gerlong street 47 Gd N the  second floor , Bandung
 4. what other facts do know this person?
       > others Facts that i know about Andrea Hirata are :
a.      Andrea Hirata is the fourth child of the couple Seman Harunayah Said and NA Mastura
b.      Surname when he was birth is Aqil Barraq Badruddin, but he felt uncomfortable with that name,  then he changed his name to wadhud, but he feels burdened too about this name, then he changed his name be come to Andrea Hirata seman said harun. " Andrea is taken from the name of a woman who is determined to kill himself if her favorite singer , Elvis Presley does not reply her letter , " . While Hirata is taken from the name of the village .
c.       Andrea Hirata had school in elementary and junior high school of Muhammadiyah Belitung
d.      Andrea Hirata had worked as a mail sorter in the post office Bogor
e.       Andrea Hirata had graduated bachelor degree in Indonesian university of economic
f.        Andrea received a scholarship to continue his education Economic Theory S2 at Université de Paris , Sorbonne , France and Sheffield Hallam University , UK and earned a master's degree cum laude with the European Union .
g.       since 1997, Andrea worked at PT Telkom . He worked as an employee of Telkom .
h.      Andrea Hirata’s thesis of telecommunications economics got awarded from Université de Paris , Sorbonne , France and Sheffield Hallam University and his thesis has been adapted to Indonesian and is the first telecommunication economic theory books written by the Indonesian people , this book has been circulated as a scientific reference .
i.        The novels by Andrea Hirata are :
• Laskar Pelangi
• The Dreamer
• Edensor
• Maryamah Karpov
• Padang Bulan
• Love in In Glasses
• Eleven Patriot
• Dad
5. what out standing characteristic or ability does this person have?
          >  outstanding Characteristic 0r ability this person have are:
              • Always think positif
              • dare to dream with limitations
              • smart to doing things
               • Never give up
               • Have a high optimism
                • Briliant
                • Never stop learning

6 . what unfavorable quality does this person?
          > unfavourable quality does this person have is He always doing something base of dream and the people his around him think that what he got right now is a lie life.
7. how has this person influenced other people in either a postive or negative
way ?
        > This person influenced other people By writing novel that inspires many people.
 8 . which age group of people admire this person the most?
        > The age groups of admire this person the most is teeneger.
9 . Do you admire him or her? why or why not?
        > Yes , I  admire this person because he dare to dream and never give up to realize his dream.

Minggu, 03 November 2013



Topik : Telling Time
Durasi : 60 Menit
Metode : Mind Mapping

Teknik :
1.  Guru menyiapkan perlengkapan belajar-mengajar seperti: spidol, penghapus dan kertas berwarna.
2.    Guru menyampaikan kompetensi yang ingin dicapai.
3.  Guru menjelaskan materi  “Telling Time” kepada siswanya dan membagikan spidol dan kertas berwarna.
4.  Bentuklah kelompok berpasangan dua orang dan menugaskan salah satu siswa dari pasangan itu untuk menceritakan kembali materi “Telling Time” yang baru diterima dari guru dan pasangannya mendengar sambil  membuat catatan-catatan kecil dalam bentuk  gambar (misalnya: gambar jam, pohon, lampu dll)
5.  Pasangan yang membuat catatan kecil melaporkan hasilnya didepan siswa yang lain dengan menggunakan media gambar yang telah dibuat.
6.     Guru mengulangi/menjelaskan kembali materi yang kiranya belum dipahami siswa.
7.   Memberikan evaluasi kepada setiap siswa berupa beberapa bentuk gambar jam dan menjawabnya dalam kertas selembar kemudian dikumpulkan.